Threatened cut to services eases as council come out in the black

Despite a fall in revenues from car parks, Council Tax, and Business Rates costing Tunbridge Wells Borough Council [TWBC] around £8million, the authority has managed to balance its books. The result is that an expected withdrawal from its reserves of £1.5million is now not needed, easing fears that the authority would have to cut services […]
EV car charger put out of action just weeks after its installation

The charging point outside the station was to provide both private cars and taxis a place to recharge their cars. The facility, which cost £20,000 plus maintenance to install, was paid for by a Government grant following a Kent-wide bid to the Office for Low Emission Vehicles [OLEV] and comes as the Government hopes to […]
Little change to masks and distancing despite the ending of virus restrictions

Monday [July 19] saw the final stage in Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s roadmap to end mandatory rules around mask wearing and social distancing. Despite the end of legal restraints on the facial coverings and the ‘one metre plus rule’, little will change in Tunbridge Wells and surrounding areas. The major supermarkets have all said they […]
Record hospital backlog even though admissions increased

According to data from NHS England at the end of May there were 35,526 people on waiting lists at either Maidstone Hospital or the Pembury-based Tunbridge Wells Hospital seeking non-emergency treatment such as hip or knee operations. This is more than 3,000 people higher than the previous month’s figures, when 32,233 were on the waiting […]
TV chef intends to spice up The Pantiles

Atul Kochhar, the former Head Chef of the Oberoi in New Delhi and who runs the Michelin-star Tamarind in London, is to take over the former Woods restaurant on The Pantiles. Woods had been a popular family-owned restaurant for nearly 20 years. The new restaurant, named Riwaz, is set to open in the iconic promenade […]
U-turn on fines for idling stationary cars as Council can’t afford to issue the tickets

As reported in the Times earlier this year, Tunbridge Wells Borough Council [TWBC] wants to change the habits of motorists in a bid to improve air quality by banning the idling of engines when cars are stationary. Those who ignored the request, it was indicated, faced possible fines. A number of signs have gone up […]
Hybrid working opens door for Town Hall office complex that could end years of Council political infighting

That’s the plan put forward by a cross-party Council committee, which means it is almost certain to get the green light. It would end years of political infighting over what to do with the ageing building. Between 150-200 Council staff normally based at the Town Hall will continue the mixture of home and office working […]
Police chief orders review into cases of violence against women

The initiative has been ordered by Chief Constable Alan Pughsley as part of a move to ‘reassure’ victims they will receive ‘exemplary service’ from the force. The Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Scott, had sought assurances from the Chief Constable that the force is dealing with violence against women and girls as a priority. Mr […]
Appeal for Town Hall to stop taking pot shots at rifle club

The rifle range used by Tunbridge Wells Target Shooting Club [TWTSC] in Warwick Park is in the Borough Council’s sights for redevelopment to help the Town Hall pay its Covid debts. The club was founded in 1903, when Lord Abergavenny donated the land to the town after he learned of the poor marksmanship of British […]
Town enjoys fringe benefits as newest festival gets underway

The TW Fringe Festival opened on The Pantiles, where hundreds of people turned out to see a range of performers entertaining in the streets and celebrated the start of the two-week event [July 5-July 18]. It is hoped the festival will become a tradition in Tunbridge Wells, following the example of other fringe festivals such […]