Changeable winds greet Bewl sailors at Heron race meeting

Sizzling temperatures bring the focus to beauty spot

Visiting boats came from as far afield as Norway, Wales and Yorkshire – plus a contingent from Chipstead. Amanda Conrad – whose BSA boat came third – said one of the visiting crews had commented that the regatta always provided ‘extremes of weather’. “And this year was no exception,” she commented in her race report. […]

‘No fault’ divorce warning to women over pension pot fears

Co-founder of Pickering - Polly Taylor

Taking the ‘gender pay gap’ between men and women as a starting point, which is generally driven by maternity leave and caring responsibilities, chartered financial planner and business author Amanda Redman says this translates into an even worse pension gap. The differences she quotes are stark. In her Dare to be Fair book (2021), she […]

Countryfile visits Bewl Water over UK’s water security fears

Co-founder of Pickering - Polly Taylor

This was the message coming out of a BBC Countryfile visit to the Southern Water reservoir, filmed last week and broadcast on Sunday [May 15]. Sir James Bevan, chief executive of the Environment Agency, told the programme that by 2050 the country would need to find an extra 4 billion litres of water a day, […]

Hospital waiting list rises as Trust struggles with its Covid backlog

Around 1,000 more people were on the waiting list in March at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust (MTW), than in February, latest data shows. The Trust, which runs both the Pembury-based facility and the main hospital in Maidstone, had seen waiting lists for non-emergency or life-threatening treatment fall for the first-time last month since […]

Food festival is best on record as thousands flock to The Pantiles

Co-founder of Pickering - Polly Taylor

Foodies from across West Kent and the surrounding areas were treated to blazing sunshine on Saturday, and while showers arrived on Sunday it did not dampen people’s spirits, said organiser Julian Leefe-Griffiths. He told the Times: “Wow, what a day. It was probably the most successful food festival we have run in the past 10 […]

Leisure complex plans for BHS store shelved

Co-founder of Pickering - Polly Taylor

Elite Leisure Collection (ELC), which also owns One Media, publisher of the Times, was planning the £10million attraction in the empty unit say they are now looking for sites outside of the town centre to open the leisure complex. The plans for the BHS unit, which has been empty since 2016 when the high street […]

Time to celebrate Kentish wine

Co-founder of Pickering - Polly Taylor

Here its brand manager and organiser Jo Smith tells James Viner all about this exciting event which will bring together a number of local vineyards to toast their success…   You’re the brand ambassador for Wine Garden of England. How did you get involved in promoting local wineries? I’d worked in the wine industry in […]

My father, herbal medicine and me

Co-founder of Pickering - Polly Taylor

My first experience of plants as medicine began more than 50 years ago when, as a young baby, I developed whooping cough. At the time my father was beginning to study herbal medicine and discovered a plant called Coltsfoot, specific against whooping cough. He made me a warm infusion from the leaves, delivered it to […]

Why it’s good to talk

Co-founder of Pickering - Polly Taylor

‘We’re only as happy as our unhappiest child’ is a refrain that rings true for many parents desperately seeking help for their beleaguered offspring.  More to the point, ‘Anxious children make parents anxious’. And the reverse is also true. The predisposition for anxiety runs like a genetic thread, no different to hair colour, down through […]


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