Chamber vows to fix the county’s skills shortage

Chamber vows to fix the county's skills shortage

The Times reported last month how Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce and its Further Education partnership had been appointed as one of eight national trailblazers by the Government.

The partnership secured £5.6million for Kent’s further education colleges to implement a pilot Strategic Development Fund and bring forward new courses tailored to the needs of business.

business. Now Chief Executive of the Chamber, Jo James OBE, has explained how the chamber plans to ensure the next generation of workers are being trained for jobs that are needed in Kent.

She said “We have been asked to write a report for the government on how we can make Further Education [FE] qualifications match the needs of business as part of their white paper Skills for Jobs: Lifelong Learning for Opportunity and Growth.

“For quite some time, employers have had insufficient influence on shaping FE provision, and I think the government is keen we take more of a European approach where employers have far more influence.”

She said the chamber had identified three key sectors that are of particular importance in both Kent and Medway.

“We are focusing on all sectors but in particular manufacturing and engineering, agriculture as well as construction are the three key sectors in Kent and Medway,” she said.

“I see three key problems that need to be addressed.

“Firstly, identifying that it is not necessarily a skills shortage but a labour shortage in some areas, where an organisation may need ned any specific qualifications but has short of staff, so what does a business need to do make them more attractive to young people.

“Secondly, what are the immediate skills needs?

“And thirdly what are the long-term skills needs and how do we enable change to deliver it?”

Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce will report back to the government with its findings in February, but in the meantime, it has launched a telemarketing campaign where around 2,000 companies will be called for their views.

Organisations that wish to contribute their views on skills shortages in their industry can also contact the chamber via its website: kentinvictachamber

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