Law firm’s chief steps down after a decade at the helm

Law firm's chief steps down after a decade at the helm

Gavin Tyler is to retire from Cripps, based on Mount Ephraim, on April 30 next year after 39 years of working in the law industry. He began his career as an articled clerk at the firm, qualifying as a solicitor in 1986 and specialising in disputes work, and more latterly focusing on employment law. He became head of the Corporate Division in 2005, and became managing partner in 2013.


James Beatton, Head of Corporate, will succeed Gavin Tyler as Managing Partner of the firm in May 2023. James has been elected by the firm’s equity partners. During Gavin’s two five-year terms as managing partner, Cripps has undergone change and significant growth, more than doubling revenue from £18million to £41million. He oversaw the firm’s 2013 merger with Vertex Law and the 2018 merger with Pemberton Greenish, as well as two major office relocations in Tunbridge Wells and London.

Following the 2018 merger, the firm now plans to return to the original ‘Cripps’ as opposed to Cripps Pemberton Greenish once the full integration of the two firms had been completed. It has taken this opportunity to refresh its brand and visual identity to reflect the evolution of the firm into a purpose-driven business, set to meet the future needs of clients.

Gavin said: “The rebrand has been a valuable opportunity to take a step back and re-evaluate what makes the firm so special and talk to clients and our people about what they want our firm to be, and from this exercise, redefine our values and purpose.

“The new brand brings together the very best attributes from our legacy firms– so although we’ve made the planned reversion to the name Cripps, the contribution by Pemberton Greenish and particularly its positioning in the London legal market is very much an integral part of the new brand.”

Before his planned retirement next year, Gavin has worked with the partners to set the firm’s latest five-year strategy, which aims to ensure the firm is considered the pre-eminent legal services business in the South, driven by high-achievers working together to make a real difference to the lives and businesses of others.

Commenting on his tenure as managing partner, Gavin added:

“It’s been an honour to be involved in the leadership of such a vibrant, innovative and forward-moving law firm for ten years and to see the evolution of Cripps over almost four decades.”

“Over the next year I will be working with James, on numerous projects including our seamless succession plan. Amongst other things we will be bedding in the new brand, and implementing the new strategy, making sure the firm’s values and purpose are truly reflected in everything we do.


“James has some fantastic ideas for the future of Cripps and as head of corporate he has a strong track record in understanding clients’ needs and embracing technology to improve the client experience. His experience as an M&A partner will be extremely valuable in helping him lead our ambitious growth strategy.”

James commented: “I am hugely excited about my new role. The legal sector is changing rapidly and we want to make sure we are in a position to take advantage of the opportunities that will inevitably arise as a result. Gavin has helped put Cripps in the best possible position for us to do this. We’ve worked together closely over the last nine years and will continue to do so over the next year to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.

“Cripps is on a very exciting trajectory, and I am thrilled to be stepping into the role of managing partner and working with such a talented team to realise our growth strategy.”

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