Record year for law firm

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CRIPPS has recorded its fourth consecutive year of growth and set a new record for fee generated income the Tunbridge Wells-based law firm has announced.

Fee income was at £29.2million for the year ending April 30, marking a four per cent increase on the previous year. The result is that since 2012/13, Cripps has seen more than 60 per cent growth.

The strong financial figures have been achieved at a time when Cripps has also invested heavily in replacing its IT systems and in the opening of its new 40,000 square foot head office in Tunbridge Wells.

The investment has been financed through a combination of the firm’s own cash reserves and a conservative level of bank borrowing.

Managing partner Gavin Tyler said: “These record results are a great achievement and reflect the commitment and dedication of everyone at Cripps.

“We had set ourselves some tough goals considering the substantial investments we were making over the course of the year.”

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