Asian Spiced Partridge


What you need:

12 Boneless Partridge Thighs

50g Diced Onion

50g Diced Sweet Potato

50g Diced Butternut Squash

50g Diced Tomatoes

10g Fresh Coriander

Garam Masala



What you do:

Season the thighs and fry in a hot pan for two minutes with the Garam Masala & Cumin.

Remove from the pan.

Sauté the onion, potato, squash, add tomatoes and place back in the partridge thighs and simmer for 10 minutes.

Add some stock if looking little dry.

Add the fresh coriander.

Spoon the spiced partridge into the bowl.

Season and serve with rice, Indian flatbread and a spiced vegetable such as aubergine.



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