Businesses band together to bring the magic of Christmas to poorly children

Businesses band together to bring the magic of Christmas to poorly children

Once Upon a Wish Events, which has been providing entertainment and parties for children for the last four years, has united a range of businesses including Elite Leisure Collection – owner of the Times newspaper – RTW Together, Arty Farty Retreat, Jays Barbershop and The Talentz and many more.

Jess Nelson, Director of Once Upon a Wish Events said “Seeing week in week out the joy our services bring to children but knowing there are children out there that can’t always feel that joyful breaks my heart and is something I have endeavoured to try and make a difference to by visiting local schools, hospital wards and the like with my events team.

“I’ve always felt as though I could deliver something on a bigger scale and after the two years we’ve had as a society, I felt compelled to make this year the year we did something spectacular for some really special children.” She added: “I began reaching out to local businesses and was overwhelmed by the support provided by businesses of all shapes and sizes, who, like me, wanted to help bring some extra Christmas cheer.

“We were then given support by RTW Together who operate the local business improvement district. We recently welcomed a headline sponsor in the Elite Leisure Collection, who own Salomons Estate, Bewl Water and One Warwick Park Hotel.”

The event will take place at the Spa Hotel in Tunbridge Wells on Sunday, December 5 and will be made up of two sessions.

One session will provide children that due to neuro-diverse conditions such as autism find that they usually need to avoid these types of events.

One session will provide children that due to neuro-diverse conditions such as autism find that they usually need to avoid these types of events.

The team at Once Upon a Wish Events have been running a nomination-based ballot system and will shortly be sending out invites to roughly 60 children who will be spoilt when they get to come and spend some time with their favourite fairy tale characters, being entertained with Christmas fun and games before meeting the big man himself and being given a special gift and plenty of fun along the way.

Nelson continued: “Having the desire and some of the resources required to put a smile on these little ones’ faces, I just needed the missing piece, which was the backing of the 24 local businesses that have all come together to support what I hope to be the first of many events of its kind.

“As a mum of two and local businesswoman I am proud to have facilitated such an activity and cannot wait to kick off the Christmas season by hosting such a special event, thank you to all of those who have helped to pull this together.”

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