And now you have a chance to book your seats at bargain prices, too, by using the code OH-YES-IT-IS to get tickets from £15-£20 and save £5 on child seats. There are two shows a day, so take advantage of your last chance to catch this gem before it finishes its festive run on Monday (January 3).
The show is staged by an award-winning team and is a triumph full of great one-liners. We laughed our heads off, and my toddler grandson soon got the hang of his first panto and was shouting and laughing as loud as the rest by the end.
The vegetable routine in particular was a real ‘turn-ip’ for the books, packed with more puns that even I, as a journalist, could imagine!
On to the stars – Michael Palin makes a surprise appearance in the mirror, and Shirley was fantastic, full of spins and wicked spells. Even the odd mishaps were a hoot. The audience were with the whole cast all the way.
The rest of the cast featured some other notables, too, including Brian Wheeler, who played Ewok/Jawa in Star Wars.
The music will be another joy for those loving to sing along, including hits by The Monkees, Bonnie Tyler, Madness, Queen and… Monty Python.
Yes, always look on the bright side of life!
Five stars *****
To book, visit: The Assembly Hall Theatre
And read Eileen Leahy’s exclusive interview with Shirley at: Strictly Come Dancing Head Judge Shirley Ballas