Girls just want to have fun…

Girls just want to have fun...

After nearly three years of not being able to globetrot freely due to the pandemic, the appeal of an exotic holiday will not be lost on most of us.

But how about if you could go on a virtual trip – with some of the funniest females – without leaving your home town? Well, the good news is you actually can thanks to the hilarious comedy sketch show Housewives on Holiday which touches down next Wednesday, (July 13) at the Assembly Hall.

Starring Maureen Nolan, Josephine Partridge and Sarah Dearlove, the show is the eagerly awaited follow up to Hormonal Housewives which was a ‘no-holds-barred romp through the joys of being a fabulous 21st century woman.’

‘Go on a virtual trip with some of the funniest females without leaving your home town’

Once again it’s been written by Julie Coombe – who also wrote Girls Just Wanna Have Fun – and is directed by John Maclsaac. And having kicked off its tour at the end of June in Lincoln, Housewives on Holiday is receiving rave reviews already.

“The funniest thing I’ve seen at the theatre,” says one happy audience member while another adds “It’s a laugh a minute.”

The show’s month-long nationwide tour takes Tunbridge Wells half way through its run and a spokesperson for the show tells the Times what the audience can expect to enjoy about it:

“Holidays, like women, come in all shapes and sizes. From wild partying to wild swimming. From Club 18-30 to Club 80-130. Join the ladies as they romp through a tapas selection of Holiday Heaven, Holiday Hell but most of all Holiday Hilarity!”

Loose Women star and Nolans sibling Maureen adds: “This is pure feel-good fun! It’s about three friends who go on holiday. We’re not trying to change the world, it’s about the good times.”

She continues: “I love doing these shows because the women are so supportive and just such a laugh. Anyone can identify with going on holiday with a gang of women.”

So is the audience usually all female at the shows? “Well we usually get a few brave men in the audience too!” smiles Maureen.

Housewives on Holiday includes everything from skits on swimsuit shopping, to having to hold in your tummy in your too-tiny two piece, as well as ribbing posh yummy mummies who go glamping. In short pretty much everything holiday related is up for ridicule and the audience are very much encouraged to join in!

‘I love doing these shows because the women are so supportive and just such a laugh’

The show’s first half is always set in the town the trio are performing that night so next Wednesday Tunbridge Wells will become the ‘Costa del Wells’ before the ladies embark on a virtual trip to the Costa del Sol for more holiday high jinks in the second half!

In addition to talk of dodgy tans and holiday romances, the girls embark on a high energy aerobics class with extremely funny consequences and promise to get the audience up and dancing to their high octane sonic summer soundtrack.

For tickets visit 

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