Hockey: Alexander leads the charge for Tunbridge Wells

Pam Mills

TUNBRIDGE WELLS put behind them a couple of frustrating performances to thrash Old Loughtonians at Hawkenbury.

Wells played with flare, passion and skill and Harriet Alexander scored twice in the first half, the ball moving between Pip Ross, Jen Hunt and Beth Organ to create through balls for her.

Alexander then linked up well with captain Hunt before crossing to Anna Glubb, who was poised at the back post to make it 3-0.

In the second half Wells allowed their tempo to drop and found themselves defending waves of counterattacks from Old Loughts.

Hunt, inspired by player of the match Ross and her tenacity in defence, carried the ball in a from the defensive D up to the attacking one.

After a quick give and go with Organ, Hunt received the ball at the top of the D and smashed it into the right-hand side of the goal.

Wells were back on point and a final goal from youngster Alex Sacker saw Wells seal a 5-0 victory that allows them to hold on to third place in East Region Division One South.

Tunbridge Wells men’s first team retained their three-point lead in South League Premier Division Two with a 3-1 win away at Trojans. Ben Allberry, with two goals, and Sam George were on target for the visitors.

The Ladies now travel to mid-table Upminster on Saturday (February 10) while the men make the long trip to Bournemouth.

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