The average daily recharge rate has been over 250 megalitres – that is a massive 250,000 tonnes of water pumped in every day.
The temperature remains good for fishing at 8C and the water is largely clear.
Trout are favouring the top levels of the lake and the flooding of fresh ground has improved bank fishing for fly fishermen.
They are also enjoying great sport from the boats and the best areas are between Chingley and Ferry Point.
Top flies included bright Blobs, Boobies and Minkies while small nymphs such as Cormorant and Diawl Bach also took fish.
Any method anglers had good catches from the boats in the same areas, too, with small spinners and bait proving most effective.
Anglers fishing on Fridays can enjoy a Festive Friday Lunch at the Boathouse Bistro with turkey and all the trimmings for just £9.95 per person from 12-4pm.
Book a table in the lodge when you purchase your permits or call on 01892 890000.