Hop to it – these beers are perfect for springtime

Co-founder of Pickering - Polly Taylor

In his column for May, Alex Greig of Fuggles suggests a few that are brewed with the sun in mind and are therefore perfect to crack open and enjoy as the nights get longer and warmer…

Springtime beers. Let’s start with one I’m a huge fan of: the Saisons offering from Mark Tranters’ Burning Sky which is based down the road in Firle and brews some of the best beers in the country. Traditionally, this style was brewed during the winter by farmers in Belgium and Northern France, in order to be drunk during the hot summer months to keep the workers refreshed. Designed to be light and refreshing, the beer is brewed with a high proportion of spelt and wheat, adding a lovely rustic touch to the beer. Burning Sky’s Saison Printemps is brewed seasonally for the spring months, blended with some barrel aged beer and then dry hopped. It’s super refreshing, with some white wine-like tropical fruit notes.

Next up, we have a lager from a big favourite of mine: Donzoko. Owner Reece Hugill is a massive fan of all forms of lagers and his knowledge on the style is somewhat mind boggling. Brewed with the decoction mash method (effectively you rest the grains at several stages during the process to release different proteins – and all you need to really know here is that decoction equals more layers of complexity, which means more deliciousness!) This ‘Rustic Lager’, named Big Foam, is just a lovely drop, light, bready and citrussy, there’s lots going on and at the same time, nothing to see at all. And the foam is a great thing so pour it with the intention of creating a lovely, foamy head – afterall it’s where all the lovely aroma hides!

If you’re more of a fan of hop forward beers, let’s talk about Cold IPAs. The cold in this case refers to the strain of yeast used – a lager strain, which ferments at a much colder temperature than ale yeast, which you’d usually use to brew an IPA.

What this results in is a beer with juicy, fruity, hop characteristics that you’d expect from a well hopped beer but with a really clean and crisp finish thanks to the lager yeast used. UnBarred’s Cold IPA comes in at 8.4%, but don’t be put off, it’s super drinkable for the weight with loads of pineapple and tropical fruit notes.

At a slightly more sessionable ABV, we’ve also got the aptly named Spring Beer from Donzoko as well (this time brewed with the folk they share brewing kit with: Newbarns of Leith).

This is a great showcase of what the two breweries can produce: a clean and refreshing pale ale (one of Newbarns specialities) showcasing how great German hops can be in so many styles of beer (Donzoko’s speciality). Light, floral and crisp with a continental touch, one to crack open when firing up that BBQ!

Finally, something for anyone who really likes to explore beer styles and technique. Duration are one the best in the UK at this and for this beer, Crocs In The Coolshipthey’ve teamed up with DEYA.

This is a Wit Beer (the Belgian style of White Beer, which means it’s more citrussy and herbal than its German counterpart, the Weissbier).

This beer has been wild fermented in Durations’ Coolship with the addition of candied lemon and lemon peel, which gives the beer a marmalade-y note and a delicate tartness over a lovely nutty, biscuity hint courtesy of using heritage malts and buckwheat during the brew. One for anyone who likes lemon pie!

Now, where’s my glass…?

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