“I have big plans and dreams for 2022 and I hope it’s the start of something new…”

"I have big plans and dreams for 2022 and I hope it's the start of something new..."

Here the Crowborough-based musician tells Eileen Leahy all about his career so far and reveals what he wants to achieve for the new year that lies ahead

Seb Turner-Moore has had a pretty good 2021 and he’s hoping that 2022 will prove to be as frutiful – if not more.

The young musician who also sings and writes his own songs and is from Crowborough, released his second EP last year which led to a number of gigs including Local & Live and also the BBC Upload platform picking him out as one to watch. Here he tells The Times more about his musical journey so far and why he’s so happy it’s hitting all the right notes….

You’re based in Crowborough but have performed a number of times in Tunbridge Wells. What do you enjoy about being part of the music scene here?

It’s great having Tunbridge Wells just up the road as it’s such a good location for music. It’s been really beneficial for me as a growing artist and performer. I always refer to Tunbridge Wells as a mini-London because it’s always had that exciting and popular feel to it.

How did you get into music?

Well, my family always had the ambition to get me into music from a young age because my dad was brought up with the influence of classical music and was a French horn player. So from around the beginning of primary school I began to play around with certain instruments from piano to drums to guitar to try and find what instrument I would find a passion for.

You sing and also play – do you love both equally?

The simple answer is yes. I’m at my happiest whenever I’m playing or singing, so yes, I love both equally.

When did you start out singing and playing?

When I reached Year 8 at Bennett Memorial School I found my passion for singing. From then on, I worked hard to develop my technique and skills until it just became a part of who I was. I started playing piano back in primary school but I didn’t learn in the traditional way. I decided to teach myself by ear. It seemed to just work much better for me and meant that when I came to start writing songs I could be more unique with my style of playing.

And how about performing to audiences?

I’ve always seen myself as a performer – from my first nativity show to opening the main stage of a music festival. Through my life so far, I’ve contributed to many performances. During my time at Bennett Memorial, I was involved in several highly successful musicals and I feel these productions really helped with developing my confidence and performance skills on stage. I was also lead singer of the Soul Band and we performed several concerts including one at Trinity Theatre. It was a great experience and really grew my confidence for performing in front of large audiences.

What do you love most about performing?

I think my favourite thing is just the joy and happiness it gives me to be up there on stage singing my own music and seeing others in the audience enjoying it – and just having a good time. Because at the end of the day that’s why we do it.

You did a number of gigs last summer – can you tell us about those?

Last summer was great for me. I had several amazing opportunities to get up and perform. The first one was at the Tunbridge Wells Fringe Festival which included playing live on The Pantiles band stand – an amazing experience! I then performed at Priory Live festival in Orpington where I performed on the BBC Upload stage as part of their radio show for rising local talent. I also opened the main stage at Local & Live, which was just an awesome experience. This year I have a London gig scheduled for February with more to come…

What inspires your writing and music?

Well, I usually base my writing on experiences and certain things that are occurring in the world. So, for example my single last summer – ‘Don’t Leave Me Out!’ – is about how so many people have been left out of so many opportunities and experiences because of the world’s current state, and the song is almost a statement to say don’t leave us out of anything more.

Which musicians do you admire and why?

This could be quite a long list, but I’d say my top three would probably be The 1975, Nothing But Thieves and Two Door Cinema Club. For me The 1975 are definitely up there because of the way they experiment with a number of different styles in their music, however there’s also a distinctive sound in their music that is so recognisable and catchy and that’s what I really admire.

How would you describe your sound?

I would say my style of music would fall under an indie pop/retro sound. I try to keep my music and songs nice and upbeat and enjoyable!

And what do you have in store for 2022?

I’m very, very excited about the new year as I’m hoping it will be a huge step for me in my musical journey. In terms of performing live I’ve already secured a gig for February 12 at the Moustache bar in London which will be a great experience for me in a venue of this calibre. And I’m hoping through 2022 that I can get involved with so many more live gigs through the spring and summer time.

And how about releasing more music – any plans?

I have been working on loads more music that I will be bringing out over the next year. My latest one being ‘Out of Control’ which came out on December 30. It’s a whole new style and sound that I have been working on for my music, and hopefully my audience and listeners are enjoying it as much as I enjoyed making it.

You currently perform solo but do you have any plans to form a band?

Yes the search is on! I hope that through the new year I can track down some talented musicians that can work alongside me to perform and produce some great music. If there are any musicians that are interested then you can contact me via my Instagram: sebturnermoore_official

I have big plans and dreams for 2022 and I hope that it is the start of something new.

For more information on Seb Turner Moore and his music follow @seb.turnermoore_official

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