INTERVIEW: Seb Turner-Moore

INTERVIEW: Seb Turner-Moore

Have you always lived locally and if so what do you like most about it?

Yes. I lived in Tunbridge Wells before our family moved to Crowborough when I was around eight years old. I’ve loved living there because there’s such a chilled and relaxed vibe to the town which I’ve really benefited from growing up. It’s great having Tunbridge Wells just up the road as it’s such a good location for music. It’s been really beneficial for me as a growing artist and performer. I always refer to Tunbridge Wells as mini-London because it’s always had that exciting and popular feel to it.

And do you have any plans to move to London to further your career?

Good question. I actually do have plans to move into a flat in London around January time. So, I’m really looking forward to that. It will be good to just experience a whole new location. And of course, we all know London is definitely the mecca of the music industry so it’s definitely the right place to be if I’m to take my music career to the next level.

You sing and also play – do you love both equally?

The simple answer is yes. I’m at my happiest whenever I’m playing or singing, so yes, I love both equally.

When did you start out singing and playing?

When I reached Year 8 at Bennett Memorial School I found my passion for singing. From then on, I worked hard to develop my technique and skills until it just became a part of who I was. I started playing piano back in primary school but I didn’t learn in the traditional way. I decided to teach myself by ear. It seemed to just work much better for me and meant that when I came to start writing songs I could be more unique with my style of playing.

And how about performing to audiences?

I’ve always seen myself as a performer – from my first nativity show to opening the main stage of a music festival. Through my life so far, I’ve contributed to many performances.

During my time at Bennett Memorial, I was involved in several highly successful musicals that were organised by the music department. These include Les Miserables, Oliver, Oklahoma and I also starred as the lead role of Captain Von Trapp in the Sound Of Music in the final year at the school. I feel these productions really helped with developing my confidence and performance skills on stage. Another opportunity I was given in school was the lead singer of the Soul Band. The band performed at several school concerts and also at Trinity Theatre in the centre of Tunbridge Wells. I really enjoyed my time in the band it was a great experience for me, and it really grew my confidence for performing in front of large audiences.

What do you love most about performing?

I think my favourite thing is just the joy and happiness it gives me to be up there on stage singing my own music and seeing others in the audience enjoying it – and just having a good time. Because at the end of the day that’s why we do it.

What gigs have you done so far this year?

This summer has been great for me. I’ve had several amazing opportunities to get up and perform. The first one was at the Tunbridge Wells Fringe Festival. I was given two performances for this, first at the Compasses pub and the second was a great experience at The Pantiles band stand. The second festival I performed at was Priory Live festival in Orpington. I performed on the BBC Upload stage as part of their radio show for rising local talent. And finally, to finish off the summer I opened the main stage at Local & Live, which was just an awesome experience. It felt so good to be part of such an amazing event.

Which musicians do you admire and why?

Well, this could be quite a long list, but I’d say my top three would probably be The 1975, Nothing But Thieves and Two Door Cinema Club. For me The 1975 are definitely up there because of the way they experiment with a number of different styles in their music, however there’s also a distinctive sound in their music that is so recognisable and catchy and that’s what I really admire.

How would you describe your sound?

I would say my style of music would fall under an indie pop/retro sound. I try to keep my music and songs nice and upbeat and enjoyable!

Tell us about your EP A New Beginning…

It came out last month and is my second EP. The first one was called That Summer Time Feeling and was released at a similar time last year, it was all about having a good time through the summer. However, this new EP is about the start of something new through a whole new style and theme to my music, hence why it’s called A New Beginning.

Currently you perform solo but you also have plans to form a band – how is that going?

The search is still on for a band but I’m contacting lots of people so hopefully soon something will fall into place soon. I’d love to hear from young musicians out there who are looking for a similar musical journey to me – I’m on Instagram all the time, so get it touch!

For more information on Seb Turner Moore and his music visit Instagram sebturnermoore_official

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