Keys unlocks door for snatch spoils

Keys unlocks door for snatch spoils
Rugby - Tunbridge Wells Colts

Before kick-off both sides came together to remember Steve Davy, who passed away before Christmas. His family are well known to both clubs and his son Ed, who has represented both sides, was playing for Crowborough.

After 20 minutes Wells chose to scrummage on a penalty, and after an early pick-and-go the ball was driven over the line by Will Hawksfield for his first try for the Colts, Ed Shepherdson converting.

Wells rode the pressure well as Crowborough counterattacked but over-committed to the breakdown, leaving gaps out wide, and Crowborough ran in a try under the posts, the conversion making it 7-7 at half-time. 

In the second half Crowborough started the stronger, showing their experience having played together for a number of years.

But as the clock ran down, Wells were awarded a penalty on the five-meter line under the posts and went for the pushover rather than the kick.

Crowborough held them up, but Wells scrum-half Innis Woodhouse spotted an opportunity out wide and with a fine flat pass by Shepherdson, Cameron Keys scored in the corner to claim victory 12-7. 


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