Local boys’ grammar celebrates Ofsted’s positive report

Olympian Louis Smith

The staff and students at Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys (TWGSB) are celebrating the extremely positive feedback they have just received after Ofsted – the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills – visited their school in November last year.

On November 24 and 25, Ofsted, which is a non-ministerial government department and responsible for inspecting a range of educational institutions, visited for a Section 8 inspection. These happen approximately every four years after a school is judged to be ‘Good’.

The Section 8 inspection is a new shorter visit and determines whether the school continues to deliver a good standard of education and that safeguarding is effective.

The brief two-day inspection last year found that TWGSB continues to be a ‘Good ‘school.

A spokesperson told the Times: “Ofsted reported that students ‘love coming to school and achieve well’ and that ‘a strong culture of learning and achievement runs through the school’.”

The report also found that students are proud to be part of a harmonious community, saying ‘they feel safe and well cared for and that students approach all aspects of school life with maturity’.

Inspectors met with the Headteacher Amanda Simpson, as well as TWGSB senior leaders, staff, students, five governors including the Chair of the Governing Body, and a representative from Kent County Council.

They carried out thorough investigations in English, mathematics, geography and history. For each one, inspectors met with subject leaders, looked at curriculum plans, visited a sample of lessons, spoke to teachers and some students about their learning and looked at a sample of students’ work.

“The Inspectors recognised the ambitious school leadership and rich, broad and challenging curriculum, where the important knowledge students should learn, and the order in which they should learn it, is clearly set out,” continued the school’s spokesperson.

In a letter to parents, Headteacher Amanda Simpson said, “It is no surprise to us that the inspection team were blown away by our student body: how well rounded our students are, articulate, well-mannered and utterly proud of their school.

“The feedback received from this inspection will assist us on our continued drive to be even better. Our school vision is to be ‘the best selective boys’ school in West Kent’ and our aim of ‘All Round Excellence’ continues to drive us forward. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the incredible staff body, who have worked and continue to work tirelessly at being the best that we can possibly be each and every day.”

The full report can be found on the school website – twgsb.org.uk – and on the Ofsted website.

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