Not all guitars are created equal

Not all guitars are created equal

Guitar basics

Guitars work like most stringed instruments; sound is produced from the vibration of a string as it is strummed or plucked. On a guitar, this vibration is translated into the sound we hear as it passes through the bridge to the soundboard.

Factors like length, tension and weight of the string create different speeds of vibration, which form the different sounds, or notes, we hear.

Just like with most things in life, you can spend a little or a lot buying a guitar.

Guitars are made from different species of trees, usually spruce, cedar, maple and mahogany. The ratio of solid tone wood to laminate is what determines the price.

The main guitar types are classical, acoustic and electric.

At Brittens Music, prices range from around £150 for a basic Brunswick, up to £2,000 for a Furch, crafted from solid red cedar and Indian rosewood. Brands of guitar include Brunswick, Rathbone, Furch and Faith. ll the guitars are made from sustainably sourced wood.

What’s so good about an old guitar?

Every guitar sounds different and over time this sound actually changes. As the wood ages, its natural properties change, it becomes dryer, lighter, and more resonant.

How much the sound changes depends on how much it is played and on the type of wood and materials it’s made from. In general, the more expensive the guitar, the more solid wood it contains. “Solid tone wood will always sound better and create a deeper sound,” explains Steve.

Just like a fine wine, a good quality guitar improves with age. “Some high-quality woods are known to improve the resonance of the guitar as they age. Second hand guitars often fetch a higher price than a new guitar because they’re already ‘worn in’, a bit like a vintage leather jacket!” Steve comments.

The wand effect

The guitar is a timeless instrument and people often keep and treasure their first guitar. On a well-loved guitar, each scratch, dent and mark tells a tale.

I know every scar on my guitar. I could pick it out of a line up!

The magic of a guitar is that they are all different.

They feel different, have a different sound quality and respond differently to different players.

Choosing guitars can be like choosing a wand at Hogwarts, you don’t choose the guitar, it chooses you!

Want to learn more?

Drop in to Brittens Music and speak to one of our expert team – we have many guitars on display in the shop, we’ll help you find the perfect one for you.

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