Students support hygiene and food banks

Students support hygiene and food banks
Pupils from Beacon Academy, Crowborough

On the last day of term all students were invited to attend school in festive non-uniform, in return for a donation to Crowborough Foodbank or giving toiletries and baby products to Crowborough Hygiene Bank.

The two organisations work in partnership to distribute emergency food supplies and essential toiletries as well as hygiene, beauty and grooming products to a network of community organisations and services.

Among others, they go to refugees, the homeless and Baby2Baby & Beyond, which supports families with babies and children up to 11 years old.

Marketing and Communications Officer Cara Hoper said: “We would like to thank everyone that has helped to support this charity collection for our community.

“We have received an enormous amount of donated items for the Hygiene Bank, and over £1,107.80 has been raised to date for Crowborough Foodbank.”

Gillian Goldstone, of Crowborough Hygiene Bank, said: “Thanks so much for the donations from the students and their families.

“These items will go to help local people in our community and make their lives easier. The generosity of Beacon Academy is amazing and very much appreciated.”

Parents and carers who have not yet made a donation to Crowborough Foodbank will be able to do so via the school until the first week of Term 3.


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