The latest new additions to Microsoft Office 2016

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Microsoft Office 2016 for Office 365 is continually being updated with new tools, apps and features.

Many people are unaware that for just £6.80 a month per user you can now access the latest Office software suite for business.

In the past few weeks there has been several updates made, too many for us to cover in this article alone so we’ve decided to introduce you to our favourites.

Designer – in PowerPoint
A new feature that allows users to deliver customised presentations and maximize the visual impact of its most important content in slick, clean presentation format. Each time the Designer feature is used it learns about a users preferences and adapts its recommendations to previous preferences which saves a lot of time.

Calendar Insights Template – in Excel
Users can now view your calendar as a dashboard and drill into the data to get a better handle on how you spend your time. It helps users to improve their productivity levels and get more out of their working day.

More Send As Options – in Word and Powerpoint
Users can now send a document either asan attachment or as a PDF without leaving the confines of your document from the Share pane. This saves time and improved productivity by avoiding the distractions in your inbox.

And lastly one of our personal favourites that was released back in September

Real-Time Typing feature – in Word
When working on the same document, users can see exactly where others are working within the document and view their edits as they happen. We find this really useful and it avoids loading the server with hundreds of document versions that can easily get overwritten and helps save on file storage space too.

There are many other great updates from the latest release. We are looking forward to seeing what January’s updates release brings. Infinity are certified Microsoft Silver Partners, so If you are looking to subscribe to Office 365 for your business please get in touch with one of our Office 365 consultants who would be happy to assist.

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