This is how many times you should work out a week

The Chapel in Tunbridge Wells is house in a 19th Century church

How many times should we be working out a week? Jaime Cooke, director of SPN has the answers…

How many times should I be working out each week? Is once enough if I work hard enough or should I aim for 7 days a week?

Do you find yourself stressing over exercise? Have I done enough/should I be doing more? These are questions I get asked a lot and I’m sorry to say there’s no simple formula that’s right for each and every one of us. After all, we’re totally different aren’t we? It really depends on what you want to achieve and what stage you are at with your exercise. For example, if you haven’t been exercising regularly in a while or are stretched for time then aim for at least 2 classes a week but if you want to see big changes then I’d say go for at least 3-4.

Clients will also often ask how long the ideal time to work out for is. Well, you can’t go wrong with a good 45 minute class as long as you challenge yourself and don’t take it easy, although I know the feeling when your thighs are burning and you can’t possibly squat any longer! Working to your best ability will bring its rewards. For example if you push yourself in a 45 minute spin class, you can look to torch between 400-600 calories.

But don’t forget it’s so important to have rest days and by this I don’t mean lay on the couch with a tub of Ben and Jerry’s! A rest day should be an active recovery day, which means go for a walk or play catch in the park with your kids – just make sure you’re moving without breaking into a sweat. Aim for 1-2 days’ rest a week and try and work it so you take at least one day off after two consecutive days of training. Rest days let your body recover and your muscles rebuild so you’ll be fresh and raring to get back and exercise some more.

It’s also true that if you work out too much your body reaches a saturation point and you stop burning calories. Too much exercise can leave you exhausted and the benefits you get from working out reverse when you don’t take breaks. Who wants that?!

Make sure you mix it up too. So, instead of three sessions of cardio blasting a week, try swapping in a yoga or a Pilates class.That way you will burn calories, tone and stretch. The perfect combo in my opinion!

My top tips:

  • Ideally 3 sessions a week
  • Make sure you have rest days
  • Don’t overdo it!
  • Mix it up

Jaime Cooke is the director of SPN, the new studio opening on Camden Road on April 23.

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