Tonbridge Half Marathon runners help Porchlight to look after town’s homeless

Pam Mills

FUNDS raised by the Tonbridge Half Marathon are being used to help a local charity fight the town’s worsening homelessness situation.

Race organisers Tonbridge Rotary Club and Lions have given £2,500 to Porchlight, which helps people who are homeless and operates a hostel in the area.

The charity recently released figures showing that it worked with 16 rough sleepers in the town between April and December 2017.

In stark contrast, Porchlight had supported only four people sleeping on the streets over the same period the previous year.

Porchlight spokesman Chris Thomas said: “We’re very grateful to Tonbridge Rotary Club, Lions Club and all the runners for raising these vital funds.

“Another year of increased homelessness across the whole of Kent has seen our services stretched like never before.”

He added: “Generous donations like this help fund our street team, who go out night after night in search of homeless people to bring in from the cold. Thank you to everybody who has supported us via the half marathon.”

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