Tonbridge swimming pool only closes for one day

Tonbridge swimming pool only closes for one day

TONBRIDGE swimming pool will be closed for one day so that scaffolding can be removed from the front of the building.

But the second phase of the roof retiling project, scheduled for later this year, will not require the pool to be shut.

The one-day closure will take place in the week starting November 27 from 8am-4pm.

Work is under way to replace the pool’s roof tiles and also improve ventilation and insulation in order to reduce heating costs.

The pool was closed for 10 weeks at the end of last year to carry out repairs to structural damage in the roof which was discovered while it was being retiled.

The tile replacement is being undertaken in three separate phases over three years.

The second phase will affect the roof above reception and the health suite.

The final work will be carried out next year on the south-east elevation.

It is set to take place in autumn 2018 when the outdoor pool is closed for the season.

A council spokesman said: “The existing clay roof tiles were starting to delaminate and the tile manufacturer agreed to replace these under guarantee.”

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