Tuning up for a big birthday celebration

Olympian Louis Smith

Here its Chair Frances Armstrong tells Eileen Leahy how it feels to have reached such a noteworthy milestone and reveals the show’s running order…

THE ROYAL Tunbridge Wells Symphony Orchestra (RTWSO) is one of the town’s most treasured musical collectives attracting hundreds to its frequent concerts and next month sees it celebrate its 100th birthday.

Despite not being able to perform as regularly as members would have liked to due to the various lockdowns, the orchestra has certainly not been resting on its laurels when it comes to curating a fabulous celebratory centenary concert which takes place on February 6.

The orchestra is currently tuning up for its special Civic Concert at 3pm sharp next Sunday at the Assembly Hall. Conducted by Rod Dunk, the programme will include classic orchestral pieces such as Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man; Smetana’s Dance of the Comedians; Svendsen’s Romance for Violin & Orchestra; Johann Strauss’s Romance for Cello & Orchestra and Elgar’s Symphony No2.

“Taking place one hundred years after the very first performance by the Tunbridge Wells Orchestral Society, this unique celebration of the town’s flagship orchestra is supported by the Mayor’s Office and is presented as a Civic Concert,” explains Frances Armstrong RTWSO’s Chair.

“There will also be a retiring collection in support of the Mayor’s Charity, Mental Health Resource.”

As well as acknowledging a century of music-making, Frances says this unique concert heralds a renaissance of the orchestra but also looks forward to the next 100 years of RTWSO concerts in Tunbridge Wells.

In terms of what audience members can enjoy hearing next Sunday afternoon she says there is a little bit of something for everyone.

“The first half of the concert is slightly lighter and reflects the joy of the occasion, and features some of our own principal players as soloists. In contrast, the second half follows with Elgar’s mighty 2nd Symphony, a work dedicated by Edward Elgar to the memory of His late Majesty King Edward VII.”

Frances says that if readers haven’t been to an RTWSO concert before then this is the perfect time to go along.

“Those who haven’t experienced an RTWSO concert might be forgiven for thinking we are ‘just another local orchestra’. But not at all!

“The RTWSO is a fantastic pro-am (professional-amateur) orchestra, consisting of a unique 50/50 mix of local and professional players, and is proud to have been widely recognised as one of the finest and most ambitious community orchestras in the UK.”

She adds that post an RTWSO concert they regularly receive glowing praise and positive comments – especially from people after they’ve heard the orchestra for the first time.

The reviews include quotes such as: “The quality of playing was stunning,” “The whole afternoon was a great joy,” “I wasn’t expecting such a professional sound – it was just like being in London.”

“So with praise like this I would urge Times of Tunbridge Wells readers – and residents of the borough in general – to come and experience it for yourself. This orchestra really is far more than just a local band!”

Given that Covid restrictions are now easing audience confidence is slowly returning as people are encouraged to venture out and enjoy live music and theatre again.

But Frances stresses that if anyone has any worries about safety then the Assembly Hall’s ‘See It Safely’ certification should make them confident that their visit will be a safe and positive experience.

“The venue is fully compliant with all the latest Government and industry Covid-19 guidelines, this ensures that safety of staff, performers and audiences is paramount.”

And as for the orchestra reaching its centenary milestone, Frances says it has survived for a century despite wars and pandemics because as well as RTWSO musicians being absolutely passionate about what they do, the town has given them so much support over the years.

“The fact that Tunbridge Wells has supported and maintained its very own orchestra for 100 years really is a truly momentous achievement. If you have never been to an RTWSO concert before, there’s never been a better time than right now to come and experience it!”

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