Unbridled success for Mayfield girls

A map of the River Walk renovations

Mayfield School’s equestrian squad were riding high after winning three titles in the National Schools Championships at Addington Manor in Buckinghamshire.

They were National Schools Dressage Team, National 1.10m Team Show Jumping and National Open Arena Eventing Team champions – in the latter event they scored 12 more marks than their nearest rivals.

The girls also swept the board individually. Year 10’s Molly Faulkner won the National Special Jumping with Style 1.10m, with her fellow pupils also taking the second and third place; and Year 9’s Anna Martin became the BE Series National Champion, with Mayfield again taking another three section titles in this category.

As a result of the weekend’s success four of our girls, Kitty Ashby, Catherine Haurie-Moss, Molly Faulkner and Amy Whiffen, were invited to compete for England in the Schools Nations Show Jumping Cup, again winning their section.

Year 13’s Immie Long was called up for the Nations Cup Dressage Section and provided Mayfield with their final success of the triumphant weekend.

Director of Riding Jill Barker said: “Congratulations to everyone who made up the Mayfield team for the four days. Our tremendous success was the culmination of plenty of hard work but also the most fantastic team spirit which was the envy of many of our fellow competitors.”

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