Tracy Garrad, who took over the reins at AXA PPP last year, was speaking at the not-for-profit initiative Make It Your Business [MIYB], which aims to inspire women entrepreneurs.
At the event, which was held at the Hotel du Vin in Tunbridge Wells, Ms Garrad told the audience of her struggles as a teenager after the break-up of her family forced her out of school to care for younger siblings at the age of 17.
She said she owed her career – which includes having been CEO of HSBC Channel Islands and Isle of Man, and CEO for leading UK bank First Direct before joining AXA PPP last year – to a single manager who saw her potential.
She told the audience: “Noticing a spark in someone can make a huge difference. That’s why events like this are so important for personal and professional development.
“You need supporters that can push you through your self-doubt. As women, we can often feel self-doubt much more than others.
“Find out what ignites the passion, and the rewards will be reaped.”