Cider house rules at the Pantiles Tap

Calverley House

WEST KENT CAMRA group presented their Cider Pub of the Year award to The Pantiles Tap last week for the second year in a row.

The presentation on May 9 was hosted by the organisation’s West Kent chairman Craig Beeson and cider representative Keith Ennis.

CAMRA members, cider fans and locals enjoyed a busy evening sampling The Taps twenty plus ciders.

An ever popular feature the Lower Pantiles is ‘The Great Wall of Cider’ which has a constantly changing array of sixteen ciders.

Bar owner Geoff Wentworth said: “Our commitment to stocking lots of real cider comes from the fact that Kent is a great cider county and also that we consider cider deserves just as much care and attention to variety and quality as we show our craft beers and real ales.

“Generally cider drinkers find themselves expected to choose from a couple of ubiquitous lacklustre chemical fake ciders which is a dreadful situation in a county famous for its cider production.

“We are delighted to receive this award from West Kent CAMRA especially for the second year running and look forward to another cider filled summer”.

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