Council leader survives challenge

Council leader survives challenge
Council leader Alan McDermott

Cllr Alan McDermott, who has been leader of the Council since May 2019, has fended off competition from fellow Tory councillor Paul Barrington-King, who represents Pembury ward and is also a county councillor.

Cllr Barrington-King, who stood against the leader at the Tory  group’s annual AGM [annual general meeting] of councillors at a virtual meeting held over Zoom on Thursday night [August 6], had cited Cllr McDermott’s ‘lack of vision’ for his challenge for the position – which ultimately would have led to him becoming leader of Tunrbidge Wells Borough Council.

However, in a vote, the Pembury councillor was unsuccesful at ousting Cllr McDermott, who is ward councillor for Brenchely and Horsmonden, although Conservative councillors say the ballot ‘was close’.

Cllr McDermott will now remain leader of the Conservative group of councillors in Tunbridge Wells until at least next May, when the group has its next AGM.

For full story, interviews and analysis, read the Times of Tunbridge Wells, out Wednesday, August 12.

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