Council take down pre-purdah promotional videos

The council produced 14 promotional videos, entitled ‘Your Town, Your Future’ outlining the councils five-year plan for the town and featuring a number of councillors and members of the local community.

The videos, were not posted on the TWBC website, were produced before the start of the six-week election registration period, a time known as ‘purdah’, which governs what sort of communication the council can put out.

Purdah rules stipulate that councils cannot produce publicity on matters which are politically controversial or that favour a particular political party.

The rules govern all form of communication, including social media, but platforms such as YouTube are a grey area, but council officials have taken them down to ‘err on the side of caution’.

A spokesperson for the council said: “The videos were published prior to the notice of election being published and before purdah, but to err on the side of caution we have made them unavailable for the duration of the pre-election period.’


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