Crafty Southborough schoolgirl wins national arts competition

Crafty Southborough schoolgirl wins national arts competition

Taking part in the ‘Craft School’ national school competition, Southborough CofE Primary School pupil Matilda Tuck won in the KS2 [Years 3-6] category by giving an old chair a makeover, using bright colours and shapes to represent musical stanza lines, rests, and multicoloured vinyl records.

Craft School: Yinka’s Challenge is a joint project by British-Nigerian artist Yinka Ilori and national charity The Crafts Council, both motivated by a decline in craft education in UK schools.

Yinka explained: “I am trying to really encourage young people in schools to tell their own personal stories within design, whether it’s about family or friends or experiences.

“I think for anyone trying to develop their voice in their making, my first tip would be to be proud of your story and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable in your work.”

The schools’ project culminates this summer with a season of workshops and hands-on displays at the Crafts Council gallery in Islington.

Matilda’s chair is the central exhibit in the accompanying exhibition at the Crafts Council Gallery.

The Crafts Council believes making with their hands helps young people to develop problem-solving and communication skills alongside practical skills of creating, mending, and repairing. “Craft destresses, empowers, and contributes to wellbeing and happiness.”

The Crafts Council Gallery, Islington, is open Wednesday to Saturday, 11am-5pm. Advance booking at or buy tickets on the door. 

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