Divorce changes see a ‘flurry’ of activity for town’s family lawyers

The team from Corker Outdoor, Award sponsor Jason Varney (Thomson, Snell & Passmore) & Eamonn Holmes

The biggest shake-up of divorce laws in half a century came into effect earlier this month and allow couples to end their marriage jointly, without pointing the finger of blame.

Law firms in Tunbridge Wells told the Times the change has led to a ‘pick up’ in the number of cases that followed a ‘lull’ in cases before the changes took effect on April 6, as separating couples hesitated in calling in legal help to take advantage of the changes.

Alex Davies, head of family law and partner at Cripps, Pemberton Greenish, based on Mount Ephraim, said: “My observation is that there was a lull before no fault divorce came into force and there has been a pick-up in enquiries since.

“However, what is palpable for me is people’s relief about how much easier and less confrontational the process is.”

Meanwhile, Susi Gillespie, family lawyer at Thomas Mansfield in Mount Pleasant Road also welcomed the changes, which she says have put an ‘end to the blame game’ in the family courts but has led to a ‘flurry of activity’ for the family law team.

She said: “We noticed a small downturn in clients commencing proceedings towards the end of March and several clients mentioned earlier on in the year that they wanted to start their divorce proceedings once the new legislation was in force.

“Therefore, we have had a small flurry of activity and so far, the applications that have been filed are sailing through the system smoothly towards a conditional order.”

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