Drivers’ appeal to keep aid flowing

Drivers' appeal to keep aid flowing

The cost of fuel, the Eurotunnel and cheap accommodation can cost up to £1,200 per trip, said Aston Wood, driver for the URG.

“Fuel is expensive in Germany, so we try to fill up on the Dutch-German border and eco-drive to Poland, where it’s seven zloty – about £1.30 a litre.”

And fellow driver Dominic Tabony warned: “We don’t know whether we’ll be able to go again after our next trip this June. We’ve got all this aid but can’t get it out there.”

The two men were involved in one of the first UK missions to Ukraine after the Russian invasion on February 24. They connected with Rich Akehurst of the URG in Tunbridge Wells, and resumed their driving missions for the URG, this time in a ‘complete chain’ delivering supplies from their van directly into the back of a Ukrainian van, Dominic explained. Or UkraineReliefGroup on Facebook


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