Emotional Brits treat selling their car like a break-up

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A survey by online car buying giant, WeWantAnyCar. com has revealed that over half (51%) of car owners in the UK give their cars affectionate nicknames much like their pets or partners. As they become increasingly attached to their cars it becomes harder for them to sell and they admit to getting overly emotional when finally saying goodbye, much like with the break-up of a partner. Drivers also admit to buying a car based just on its looks and becoming sentimental when selling it on.

The survey of 2,000 car owners states that men will have more ‘car partners’ during their lifetime, owning nine cars whereas women will only purchase five, with both genders on average owning each car for four years. WeWantAnyCar.com’s survey uncovers the interesting habits of drivers across England, Wales and Scotland revealing the intriguing attitude drivers have to their vehicles.

As it turns out, much like the end of a relationship our motivations for selling our cars vary from; becoming bored with our current model (one fifth) to just fancying a change (29%). Nearly half of all men surveyed (47%) also admitted to always keeping one eye open for what could be their next model. Some of the more eco-conscious drivers however agreed they sold their car to become more environmentally friendly (29% of drivers agree) and the cash-conscious used the sale of their car to fund the perfect holiday (a third, 33%, of under 24’s agree).

According to the survey, men spend on average over £3,000 more than women when buying a car. The big spenders of the survey however, drivers in the North West of England, fork out over £1,000 more on average than the rest of Britain.

Whether men truly live up to their stereotyped reputation of never asking for directions on a car journey, they are 13% less likely than women to ask a friend or family member for a lift if their car is unavailable according to WeWantAnyCar.com’s survey. Londoners have proven to be the laziest region when choosing alternative modes of transport to cars, with less than a third (27%) electing to walk.

Over half of Scots (56%) however, would choose to ride a bus or coach and over half of Welsh (53%) would opt to walk if they did not have access to a car.

What was unsurprising, however, was the influence customer service has on consumer experience when selling a car. Brits agree that trusting the car buyer (76%) and obtaining a fair price (62%) were the most influential factors in the car selling process. Also revealed, nearly half of drivers (45%) think selling their car is a hassle and wish the process was easier – something WeWantAnyCar.com prides itself on.

Glenn Sturley, Managing Director at WeWantAnyCar. com states, “We think the survey highlights some really interesting behaviours and quirks of British car owners. We always ensure we give a personal experience at WeWantAnyCar.com and love to find out more about our customers and hear their individual car stories.”

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