Exam success for students

Exam success for students

Hilden Grange has announced that its pupils have enjoyed a year of outstanding scholarship success with a total of 21 awards won by pupils in Years 6 and 8. Seven boys won academic scholarships to Tonbridge School and three were awarded Tonbridge School Music Scholarships.

In addition to this academic awards were gained for Sevenoaks, Caterham, Walthamstow Hall, Kent College and Radnor House. Sports awards were gained for Bede’s, Kent College and Walthamstow Hall and a Music award to Walthamstow Hall.

Malcolm Gough, Headmaster commented:

“We are so proud of our pupils, not least as over the years they have enjoyed a consistent pattern of unequalled scholarship success. It is true we have had particular success with Tonbridge School, with Hilden Grange pupils winning many academic awards to include the top award, the Ainslie, twice in the past four years, but in fact pupils regularly win Academic, Music, Sport, and Drama awards to a diverse range of prestigious independent schools. These results which are testament to the dedication and hard work of our teachers and pupils alike.”

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