Free Wi-Fi comes aboard Southeastern trains

Free Wi-Fi comes aboard Southeastern trains

A progressive roll-out is expected to be completed by June

Today marks the start of Southeastern passengers enjoying free Wi-Fi on their morning commute. The new complimentary service, which is being progressively rolled out, comes as part of a £78million investment programme to improve passengers’ experience, with two thirds of the operator’s 392-strong fleet of trains already fitted, and the remainder set to be completed by June.

Over the next few months, each and every train unit in Southeastern’s fleet – Metro, Mainline and High Speed – is being progressively fitted with the system, which can be used across the provider’s network in Kent, Sussex and South East London. The on-board connectivity comes courtesy of wireless internet provider Icomera, with a daily free usage allowance of 50MB per passenger.

While the Wi-Fi isn’t designed for streaming films or TV programmes, it can be used on all Wi-Fi-enabled smartphones and tablets for emails, internet browsing and social media, by connecting to ‘Southeastern_WiFi‘ in available networks.

Engineering director Mark Johnson said: ‘We’re thrilled to provide this free Wi-Fi for our passengers. We know that this is what they’ve been asking for, so our engineers have worked day and night to install the system.’

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