GHOST TOWN: Tunbridge Wells Town Centre

And we want you, our readers and advertisers, to know that we are committed to continuing to provide, in some shape or form, a meaningful media platform for the people of Tunbridge Wells and Tonbridge for as long as is practical – hopefully until we come out the other side and rebuild our communities. Which will happen!

There’s probably never been more of a social need for local news outlets to keep people informed, to reflect the challenges we face and to highlight some of the more uplifting stories; like those with a community conscience offering to shop for people forced to stay indoors, provide free meals for those who can’t cook, or simply keep in touch with those who are lonely.

Adversity does indeed bring out the best in people…. not everyone is intent on plundering supermarket shelves. Happily, most people want to do the right thing and help others in more need.

And as the Bishop of Tonbridge, the Rt Rev Simon Burton-Jones, says in this newspaper: “How we respond now [to the virus crisis] will likely define this decade.”

Finally, you need to know that after five years and four million copies this is the last edition of the Times in this format – at least for the next few months. And that also applies to our award-winning SO magazine. Working from home means that it is not technically possible for staff to publish a printed edition.

However, we intend to keep the news flowing online – we might not be in the office but we are still listening and we still want to hear from you about what’s happening in our community. Below are details of how to stay in touch and keep informed.

Richard Moore

Editorial Director

You can keep up all the local breaking news for the Tunbridge Wells and Tonbridge area at
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