How you can help Nourish Foodbank’s Twelve Days of Christmas

How you can help Nourish Foodbank's Twelve Days of Christmas

The charity, which operates in Tunbridge Wells and South Tonbridge, is instead asking for donations to help families who may otherwise go hungry over the festive period.

“Christmas is our busiest time,” said Paul Haines, Co-Chair of the Trustees of Nourish.

“After running our Reverse Advent Calendar campaign for the past two years, we decided to launch a simpler Twelve Days of Christmas campaign.”

Last year Nourish provided 129 households with a ‘food bag’ during the week in the lead up to Christmas Day, and delivered a total of around 11 tonnes worth of produce.

Dawn Stanford, Operations Manager, thanked residents for helping the Reverse Advent Calendar but described the campaign as nearly ‘impossible’ for organisers to keep up with.

This is why they are asking residents to source specific items every day from December 1 to December 12 – details of which can be found on Nourish posters and their social media.

These could include: Tinned vegetables, rice, sauces for rice, tinned tomatoes, noodles, tinned fish, pasta sauce, tinned fruit, toilet roll, tinned spaghetti, cup-a-soup or a Christmas treat.

Participants should put each of these items into a box and then take this box for collection after the 12 days.

Nourish is hoping to partner with individuals, schools, churches and businesses in the campaign.

Mr Haines continued: “There are many reasons why people are referred to Nourish because they are forced into crisis.

“These can include changes to benefits, loss of a job, domestic abuse, illness or bereavement.

“Each and every week we work with more than 100 front-line organisations who identify people in genuine need; they refer to us and we deliver to between 60-80 households each week.”

He added: “One child told us that they were as excited about choosing an item to put in their Nourish collection as opening their advent calendar windows!”


Foodbank is a national campaign that sees households referred through social workers, doctors, Citizens Advice and health visitors. 

If an individual or family’s circumstances can be seen to be eligible, they will receive a ‘food parcel’ of emergency goods for a minimum of three days. These are typically long-life products.

Royal Victoria Place shopping centre is supporting the campaign by offering a pop-up shop their Ely Court arcade from 12pm to 5pm on December 13 to 16.

This will allow shoppers and visitors to drop off their Twelve Days of Christmas collection boxes.

Alternatively, donation boxes can be dropped off at any time at the Big Yellow Self Storage on Longfield Road until December 21. A £3 cash donation can also be made.

Social media users are encouraged to show their support by using hashtags #NourishFoodbank and #OurTownCares

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