Infection rates fall but county prepares for ‘the worst’

Infection rates fall but county prepares for 'the worst'
Coronavirus Update

Public Health England say that in the seven days to January 7 – the day after lockdown began – 588 people in the borough had tested positive for coronavirus, down from 600 the previous week.

The rate per 100,000 people, which is used to compare different regions, stands at 495.3 for Tunbridge Wells, down from 505.4 the week before, the lowest in Kent.

But Health officials have warned that infection rates may yet rise, with Chris Whitty, the country’s Chief Medical Officer, warning the next few weeks will see ‘the worst’ of the pandemic for the NHS.

In Kent, The Kent Resilience Forum, which is made up of officials from County Hall, the NHS and Kent Police, has opened a temporary mortuary in Aylesford.

Kent County Council Leader Roger Gough has said the facility, which received its first body on New Year’s Day was a ‘stark reminder’ of the cost of Covid-19.

He added: “We know this is a difficult time for all our communities and especially for those who have lost loved ones to the virus.

“Throughout all our planning our priority has been to ensure that there is dignity and respect for those who have lost their lives and consideration for the bereaved.”

Meanwhile Kent Police has said they will crackdown on those not following lockdown rules.

Assistant Chief Constable, Claire Nix, said: “The vast majority of Kent residents have done the right thing and followed the rules throughout this pandemic, helping to protect the NHS and ultimately save lives.

“Unfortunately, there are some people who still think it is acceptable to throw parties, go outside in large numbers or commit other serious breaches of Covid-19 regulation, which has contributed to us all having to once again stay at home and stay away from our friends, relatives and colleagues.

“Kent Police officers are continuing to police the national restrictions in a proportionate manner, using enforcement as a last resort. But anyone who flagrantly or repeatedly breaks the rules at a time when there is so much pressure on Kent’s health services should be left in no doubt that action will be taken against them.”

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