Jail for pair’s two-month burglary spree

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Two men who burgled houses in Cranbrook and Brenchley have been sent to prison.

Craig Gillingham, 25, and 21-year-old Craig Chamberlain pleaded guilty to a two-month crime spree in 2013, which also included homes in Sevenoaks, Maidstone and Aylesford.

The pair stole jewellery, watches and elec-tronic devices. In one burglary, a safe was taken containing watches and jewellery with an estimated value of £50,000.

Gillingham, formerly of Randall Street, Maidstone, admitted nine burglaries and two attempted burglaries, at Maidstone Crown Court. The offences were recorded under one count of conspiracy to commit burglary and on December 9, he was sentenced to five years in prison.

Chamberlain, of Quarry Road, Maidstone, confessed to a role in four burglaries and one attempted burglary. He was convicted under one count of conspiracy to commit burglary and jailed for three years and six months.

Detective Constable Andy Julier said: “Burglary can have a devastating impact on the victims and the majority of stolen items in these crimes, many of which had sentimental value, have sadly never been recovered. The judge took this into account when he passed what are substantial sentences.

“Gillingham and Chamberlain thought they were above the law and could do as they please, but these convictions send a clear message to criminals, that we will catch you and ensure you face the full consequences for your actions.”

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