Kent is sixth worst region for burglary

Suspected Tunbridge Wells burglar charged and remanded

Housing agents Sellhousefast analysed police data to show only five police forces dealt with more cases than Kent Police in September.

In one month 1,018 burglaries were recorded, which compares to the 131 incidents recorded for Dyfed-Powys Police which finished 41 and lowest for all UK forces studied.

Kent Police said this was a rise, which they put down to their own improvements.

Superintendent Mike Worrall said: “Improved crime recording techniques and greater confidence among victims has led to an increase.

“It is important to remember there are more than 750,000 homes in Kent and compared to the number of offences reported, the risk of becoming a victim is extremely low.

“According to the official Home Office statistics for the year ending June 2018, the rate of burglaries reported to Kent Police per 1,000 of the population was below the national average and comparable with other forces of a similar size.”

Greater Manchester had 2,450 incidents, which translates to more than 80 burglaries every day.

As to how the police are looking to tackle burglary Mr Worrall continued: “Raising awareness of crime prevention techniques is key to tackling burglary.

“We are always keen to remind people of the steps they can take to protect their homes from opportunistic thieves, especially during the winter months when the nights are longer.”

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