Making a song and dance of fundraising

Dulwich Preparatory School 2

Arts Week took place at Dulwich Preparatory School in Cranbrook last week.

Every child was involved in the activities, which ranged from African drumming, mindfulness and film score composition to art workshops and puppet making. Also on offer were jazz trumpeting, author talks, poetry workshops and zumba sessions.

The children even performed in their own flash mobs in the school playground.

The pupils, who are in years 1 to 8, also took part in a School Stomp for the charity Health Poverty Action in order to raise awareness and funds for poor and marginalised children across the world.

Dulwich Prep Headmaster Paul David commented: “It has been wonderful to see the children’s reactions to a whole range of exciting events that go beyond the school curriculum and open up a world of opportunity.”

He continued: “I am delighted our school has taken part in the School Stomp, which generates funds to help provide essential healthcare and a future to some of the world’s poorest children.”

Dulwich Preparatory School 2

Spokesperson for Health Poverty Action Mehmet Baylav said: “By taking part in the School Stomp, schools across the UK are actively demonstrating that they share our belief that everyone deserves the best chance at good health, regardless of the situation that they were born into. We are incredibly grateful for their support.”

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