Men fined for football match as Kent Police continue Covid clampdown

The men were among 146 people in the county fined for breaching lockdown rules at the weekend.

The force say they have now handed out 1,343 fines for breaching coronavirus restrictions, 993 of which have been handed out since January 1 this year.

The four men were part of a group of 20 who were involved in a football match in Dartford. They are said to have accessed the pitch via a hole in the fence and despite many of the players fleeing the scene, a number returned to collect personal items and were met by police.

A woman and four men were also fined after officers attended an address in Cox Drive, Hawkinge at 8.13pm on Saturday. The group were having a party.

And five women were fined after police were called to a property in Zealand Road, Canterbury on Sunday evening following reports of a student house party.

Assistant Chief Constable Claire Nix said: “Whilst it is encouraging that the rate of infection is falling and more people are being vaccinated –  now is not the time to drop our guard and be complacent, we are not yet at the stage where lockdown can be relaxed.

“I would like to thank those residents who are doing the right thing and following the guidelines, it is a difficult time for everyone and I appreciate it is frustrating when you witness or learn of people breaching the guidelines – this selfish behaviour puts others in harm’s way.

“We will not hesitate in taking action against those who blatantly ignore lockdown measures and put some of the most vulnerable members of our community at risk.”

Watch as police fine footballl Covid flouters:

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