MPs target air traffic control in fight against plane noise

Sri Lanka 2

The four local MPs who warned Gatwick not to backtrack on its recent commitment to reduce noise from low flying aircraft, have kept up the pressure by taking aim at the National Air Traffic Services (NATS).

Tunbridge Wells MP Greg Clark, Wealden MP Nus Ghani, Sevenoaks MP Michael Fallon and the MP for Tonbridge, Tom Tugendhat, have written a joint letter to NATS Chief Executive Martin Rolfe, asking for a meeting.

In the letter, they state their constituents have suffered ‘for too long’ with the consequences of current airspace arrangements although it was ‘clear’ a solution could be implemented.

They add: “We are very pleased Gatwick has opted to implement all of the recommendations [in the Arrivals Review].

“However, they [Gatwick] are clear that without the co-operation of the National Air Traf? c Services, some of the recommendations may not be implemented in full.”

Any meeting with air traffic control, they state, should be held before the closure of the latest consultation on Gatwick’s proposals on May 16.

The letter coincides with Mr Tugendhat securing a debate in Westminster Hall this morning (Wednesday) on ‘the effect of aircraft noise on local communities’, where he will speak for the first 20 minutes.

Westminster Hall is the oldest building on the Parliamentary estate.

Its debates give MPs an opportunity to raise local or national issues and receive a response from a government minister.

Mr Tugendhat’s initiative has been praised by pressure group Gatwick Obviously Not, whose Chairman Martin Barraud described it as a ‘significant moment’.

Referring to both the letter and the debate, he said: “We salute Tom and his team for securing this ground-breaking event. Democracy has reared its powerful head. Twice.”

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