Mum’s marathon for epilepsy charity inspires Puddle Duck pyjama parties

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A SWIMMING teacher has raised more than £3,000 for Young Epilepsy after running the Brighton Marathon.

Janina Westwell, from Fordcombe, was inspired to undertake the challenge by her five-year-old son Jonny, who has epilepsy.

The 41 year old describes Jonny as ‘really funny, ridiculously clever, kind-hearted and one of the happiest people I know’.

Young Epilepsy is a charity that provides support services to young people with the condition and their families.

Janina [right] works for Puddle Ducks West Kent & East Sussex, based in Tunbridge Wells, which specialises in swimming lessons for babies and children.

Her colleagues were so impressed with what she did, collecting over £1,800, that they wanted to help raise more. So they held ‘pyjama swimming parties’ that saw youngsters attending their lessons wearing their pyjamas.

Janina said: ‘Jonny is challenged every single day with his condition. If he can live with that and be so absolutely awesome, I can trot a few miles out along the seafront to help him.’

She added: ‘We don’t let epilepsy get in the way of life, and the fact that we can have this attitude makes us the lucky ones.’

‘I’m gobsmacked at how much was raised, and would like to say a big thank you to Puddle Ducks for all their support.’

Kate Wright from Puddle Ducks said: ‘Running a marathon is a serious achievement, and knowing just how much this cause means to Janina, we wanted to be able to help out in any way we could.

‘The children had a fantastic week swimming in their pyjamas, and we couldn’t believe it when we added up how much we’d raised.

‘So it’s a massive thank you to all our generous families who donated.’

For more information on Puddle Ducks, call 01892 617246 or go to

PICTURE: OVER THE LINE: Janina Westwell finishes the Brighton Marathon with her sons Jonny (right) and Sam

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