Turning hate into hope on Christmas Day

Bûche de Noël

A HATE filled Christmas card sent to Tunbridge Wells Mosque promoted one local restaurant owner to give a true demonstration of what it means to turn the other cheek by catering for the homeless in his Indian eatery free of charge.

Abu Sayed, owner of Mowgli’s on Mount Ephraim and a member of the mosque, fed up to 80 guests on Christmas Day, many of them among the most vulnerable in our community.

His decision to serve the free meals came after the Masjid Al-Noon mosque on Camden Road received a Christmas card declaring ‘Allah is the devil’ and ‘Mohammed is a perverted killer’.

“I thought we needed to respond to the negativity in the letter and show we are part of the local community by giving something back to it and being positive,” he explained.

In order to spread the word, Mr Sayed visited numerous organisations who help the homeless, people in poverty or those suffering from ill health. They included Town and Country Housing, Pickering Cancer Drop in Centre and the St Augustine’s Church Street Team.

“Christmas is about giving and so that is what I wanted to do,” he added.

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