Police update on Sunday sex assault

Cinque Ports Motor Company

Detectives investing the serious sexual assault on a woman in a wooded part of the common just off Major York’s Road on November 8 have released images of a hat they believe was worn by the suspect.

Police hope members of the public might recognise the baseball cap and come forward.

They are currently looking for a white man, aged in his 30s, around 6ft tall who was wearing a navy blue top and dark coloured trousers. It is likely that the suspect will have scratches on his face.

The woman, in her 20s, reported that she was sexually assaulted as she was walking towards the A264 around 6pm.

Officers are still looking to trace the victim’s iPhone 4, which was in a red case and was dropped at the scene.

District Chief Inspector Dave Pate said: “This hat was found as part of our search of the area and we are hoping that releasing it might jog memories. Although we don’t believe it is a rare item of clothing, it is quite a distinctive pattern and I would urge anyone who recognises it and the person within the e-fit to contact us as soon as possible.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact officers from the Kent and Essex Serious Crime Directorate on 01622 654853. Alternatively, contact Kent Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

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