Police’s fresh leads in the hunt for sex attacker three weeks on

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Three weeks on from a ‘serious’ sex attack in Tunbridge Wells, police are pursuing fresh lines of enquiry but have urged women to be vigilant with the culprit still at large.

The female victim – in her 20s – was assaulted in woods off Major York Road at around 6pm on Sunday, November 8, and flagged down a passerby to raise the alarm.

In a high-profile rape inquiry, police released an e-fit image of the suspect, a white male in his 30s, and a photograph of a baseball cap he may have been wearing at the time.

Attempts to locate a phone dropped by the victim at the scene, and to identify the suspect, have so far been unsuccessful.

A Kent Police spokesman said: “The investigation is still very much a live investigation, and officers continue to follow up lines of enquiry.

“The senior investigating officer is Detective Inspector Lee Whitehead from our major crime department.”

Detective Whitehead has a wealth of experience dealing with violent and sexual crimes, and helped to bring about the well-publicised sentencing of 21-year-old Tudor Tufoi in August, who was responsible for the violent sex attack on a woman on Christmas Day in Dover last year.

The cap police believe the assailant was wearing carries the badge of the American baseball team San Diego Padres.

Police have urged the public to take their personal safety seriously in the meantime, especially as the man responsible for the Major York Road attack may have struck before in the area.

Police have been investigating links between this assault and one in Birchwood Avenue in Southborough a week earlier, when a 17-year-old girl fought off and fled a man who grabbed her.

The police spokesman said: “Residents need to be aware of their personal safety and security.

“Given the large amount of press coverage we have secured in relation to this incident, lots of local people will be aware of it and will hopefully take it into consideration when out and about.”

Police have warned against travelling alone at night, and urged anyone who thinks they are being followed to head towards a busy area and tell someone or call the police.

Anyone with information should contact the Kent and Essex Serious Crime Directorate on 01622 654853, or contact Kent Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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