Positive signs of progress on old cinema site


CONTRACTORS were spotted on the old cinema site mapping out the 1.3-acre plot with a 3D laser scanner in preparation for development on Monday (November 21).

It is the latest sign of momentum following the removal of debris by workmen ‘to make the site safe’ and the unveiling of plans following a number of public consultations by the site’s owners Altitude UK.

When contacted, Altitude Director Stephen Tillman confirmed the surveyors were employed by his firm adding ‘progress is being made’.

Laser scanners are widely used in the preparatory stages of development in order to accurately document certain aspects of a given site, such as elevation, gradient and other special aspects by collecting millions of individual point measurements within minutes.

Combined with GPS data, the results of the scan can then be used to create 3D models which can also be laid over information regarding pipes and cables running underneath the plot.

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