Preparation begins on old Tunbridge Wells cinema site

Abergavenny Arms

The public could see the first rough blueprints on what the future development of the old cinema site may look like by autumn, a leading director of the company which owns the property has said.

Stephen Tillman made the remarks after workmen were seen operating a JCB on part of the site formerly occupied by retail units.

He confirmed Altitude UK, which bought the land from the Carlyle Group in April, were ‘making the site safe’ by clearing rubble and repairing some of the hoardings, adding:

“In terms of design we are making progress and hope to be able to table some ideas at the next community event, probably in early October.”

Mr Tillman has often reiterated his firm’s intention to consult the public during the development process, a commitment Altitude has so far honoured by hosting a public event on future plans at Trinity Theatre last month.

It is widely expected that any new development will be a mixed-use scheme, which could include restaurants, retail offices and flats as part of the plans.

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