Puppies on parade for Tunbridge Wells pantomime Aladdin

Puppies on parade for Tunbridge Wells pantomime Aladdin

A dozen puppies trotted along to the pantomime Aladdin at the Assembly Hall as part of their training to become guide dogs.

The performance provided them with first-hand knowledge of experiences they may encounter in their work.

The dogs ranged in age from 20 weeks to one year, and the panto provided the expected distraction tests like loud bangs, flashing pyrotechnics, dark surroundings in the auditorium, loud music and interaction with the actors during the performance.

Janice McCauley of Guide Dogs Medway Branch said: “These activities provide invaluable socialisation and familiarisation training for the growing puppies, and exposing them to a wide range of experiences whilst still relatively young sets them up to be comfortable in their working lives.”

Aladdin runs until January 3 at the Assembly Hall

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