The other regional gold winners in the town who are hoping for wider recognition are Dunorlan Park, Grosvenor & Hilbert Park, and Tunbridge Wells Cemetery and Crematorium.
This year there were also a record 285 entries for the Tunbridge Wells in Bloom competition, which raised more than £1,800 for Hospice in the Weald.
The awards were presented by Celia Preston, the award-winning garden designer, along with the Mayor, Len Horwood, and his wife Judy.
The organisers thanked those who opened their gardens for the hospice during the summer: John and Sandra O’Callaghan, Grant and Cherry Whytock, Christine and Laurence Smith, Joan and Richard Still, Halliwell Care Home, Sue Daniels, Sandra Swan, and Julie and Bill Brodie.
Royal Tunbridge Wells in Bloom and the Assembly Hall Theatre teamed up to ‘bring the outside inside’ with the help of local photographers, and a collection of photographs will be put on display at the Assembly Hall.
The overall winner of the Schools’ Garden and Sunflower Award was St John’s Primary, who received a gold medal for their floral display and participation of all age groups in the creation of their garden.
The tallest sunflower of all, at 167cm, was grown at Oakley School, who won gold for their butterfly-themed allotments, creative planters built with recycled materials and their new classroom garden.
Southborough Pre-School took gold for clever use of space and creating homes for wildlife – all built with the use of recycled materials; and their tallest sunflower was 155cm.
Bishops Down Primary won gold for their refurbished raised gardens, creative use of recycled materials and well-maintained floral displays.
A gold award also went to Brenchley & Matfield Primary School for their raised bed gardens assigned for each class and their wildlife garden with a pond.
St James’ Junior School received a silver award for their clever use of space and selection of native and bee-friendly plants.
Broadwater Down Primary were given a silver gilt award for creating a new school garden and for the participation of the children in its maintenance.
Skinners’ Kent Primary School were highly commended for their spectacular sunflower bed, with the tallest plant being 149cm.
There was also a competition for schools to create artwork on the theme of bees, and awards went to Southborough Pre-School, Brenchley & Matfield Primary School and St John’s Primary.

Cllr David Elliott, Chairman of Tunbridge Wells in Bloom, said: “We had a record number of entries this year, and I’d like to thank all those who took part for their contribution to making the Borough of Tunbridge Wells such a lovely place to live.
“Thanks must also go to Peter Every, Helen Timms and Kasia Olszewska of the Parks Team and the rest of the Tunbridge Wells in Bloom Committee – Jilly Ball, Katharina Mahler-Bech, Neil Jackson and Ian Johnstone – and our volunteers, without whom all this would not be possible.”
South & South East in Bloom winners
Large Town
Gold: Royal Tunbridge Wells
Large Park
Gold: Dunorlan Park, Grosvenor & Hilbert Park
Silver gilt: Calverley Grounds
Common/Open Space
Silver gilt and category winner: Tunbridge Wells Common
Large Cemetery
Gold: Tunbridge Wells Cemetery and Crematorium
Silver gilt: Woodbury Park Cemetery
Silver gilt: Barnett’s Wood Nature Reserve
It’s Your Neighbourhood Level 5
Outstanding: Friends of Grosvenor & Hilbert Park
Champion of Champions 2018
Flats or Street
Gold: 6-20 North Street
Planter, Tub or Container
Gold: Rose Hatt
Patio or Balcony
Gold: Maria McKenna
Wildlife Garden
Gold: Richard Bell
Front Garden
Gold: Marianne Meadow
Back Garden
Gold: Laurence and Christine Smith
Community Garden
Silver gilt: Ashurst Park Care Home
Shop Front
Silver gilt: Morgan Hodges
Pub, Club or Café
Gold: The Nevill Crest & Gun
Business Ground
Gold: Halliwell Care Home
Basket – Residential
Gold: Sue Ashworth
Gold: Ray Copper
Commercial Basket or Planter
Gold: The Barn
Tunbridge Wells in Bloom winners
Best Flats/Street
Gold: Post Office Square
Gold and winner: Calverley Park Crescent
Best Basket Residential
Gold: Mr N Kokash, Pascale Chauvot, Ian Hunter, Mr and Mrs Hooker, Rose Hatt, Sharon Lee, Monica Morgan, Mrs D Reed, Gordon Hammond, Harriette Pike, Fran Guyatt, Alan and Moira Farmer
Gold and winner: John and Sandra O’Callaghan
Best Planter Tub or Container
Gold: Mr and Mrs Hooker, Pat Foard, Nicola Martin and Peter Connell, Suzanne French, Gloria Cummins, Mr N Kokash, Sheila Mulholland, Rosetta Williams, Colin Brace, Ian Hunter, Mr and Mrs Halse, Sheila Wiles, Pascale Chauvot, Mrs D Reed, Gordon Hammond, Eddie Reynolds, Harriette Pike, Monica Morgan, Sue Ashworth, John and Sandra O’Callaghan
Gold and winner: Fran Guyatt
Best Patio or Balcony
Gold: Rose Hatt
Gold and winner: Gordon Hammond
Best Wildlife Garden
Silver gilt and winner: Rachael Cooper
Best Front Garden
Gold: Gordon Hammond, Gloria Cummins, Monica Morgan
Gold and winner: Harriette Pike
Best Back Garden
Gold: Barbara Varney, Sheila Wiles, Suzanne French, Sylvia Westrup, Mrs P E Kemp, Harriette Pike, Philip Cooper, Marianne Meadow, Sue Daniels, Monica Morgan, Abid Bahar, Sue Green, Sheila Mulholland
Gold and winner: Tracy Barclay
Best Allotment
Gold: Richard Bell, John Tapp, Bruno Gallon, Valerie Wilson, Tony Morris
Gold and winner: Suzanne French
Best Commercial Planter or Basket
Gold: W A Turner, Broadwater Lane; Morgan Hodges, 52 The Pantiles; Halliwell Care Home, Kingswood Road; Ashurst Park Care Home, Fordcombe Road
Gold and winner: The Bedford, 2 High Street
Best Community Allotment or Garden
Gold and winner: The Pickering Cancer Drop-In Centre, Monson Road
Best Shop Front
Silver gilt and winner: Karen’s Foam Store, Camden Road
Best Café, Pub or Club
Gold: The Bedford, 2 High Street
Gold and winner: The Barn, 1 Lonsdale Gardens
Best Business Grounds
Gold: W A Turner, Broadwater Lane; The Pickering Cancer Drop-In Centre, 27 Monson Road
Gold and winner: The Barn, 1 Lonsdale Gardens